How would an ecosocialist Green New Deal change work and labor, and what is the role of unions, bargaining for the common good, and rank-and-file organizing to help us win GND struggles in the near and long term? DSA’s GND Campaign Commission and National Labor Commission hear from organizers from across the country about their work and how it fits into the theory and practice of a just transition and socialist horizon.
- Vanity Amano – Vanity is a public school teacher and a member of United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA).
- Sydney Ghazarian – Sydney is a former GNDCC organizer who works for Labor Network for Sustainability. She is a member of DSA LA.
- Gustavo Gordillo – Gustavo started and led the campaign to win the Build Public Renewables Act in New York. He’s a union electrical worker and member of NYC DSA.
- Marcelina Pedraza – Marcelina has been a union electrician for 25 years and is currently a member of UAW Local 551 at Ford Chicago Assembly Plant. She is also a member of UAWD, a rank-and-file caucus of UAW members. She is a community organizer passionate about environmental and workers’ justice, and as Board President of the Southeast Environmental Task Force, is fighting for a cleaner neighborhood.
- Audio (.m4a)
- Transcript (.vtt)