Welcome to Our New Co-Chairs
First, we are excited to announce new Co-Chairs: Matt H from Birmingham and Wren P from Honolulu! Both have years of experience in climate organizing and will join Nicole M (NYC) to lead the steering committee through 2024. See our full leadership here.
Chapter Campaining & Organizing
Throughout the year our committee has distributed almost $6,000 in grants to chapters with GND/Building for Power campaigns. Since our last recap these grants helped Louisville DSA print 100 stickers for bus rider canvassing and St. Louis DSA secure public meeting space and printed lit for their GND for St Louis campaign.
Anyone can donate to the grant fund here!
In November we hosted our final Campaign Huddle for 2023, in which 18 comrades from 15 chapters attended to sharpen their campaign strategies and set goals. Sign up for a 2024 huddle, the last Wednesday of every month.
Then in December, our committee hosted its second member call-a-thon of the year as part of DSA’s “Give Your 1% for the 99%” initiative. Contributing 1% of your income for the greater collective good is common in working class organizations like unions, and we need to build the same kind of power in DSA. Hundreds of DSA members have signed up to give their 1% for the 99% to ensure we have the collective democratic power to win real change. If you haven’t made the switch to Solidarity Dues yet, sign up today!
Steer-co members Lori D and Marc K attended a Regional Organizing Retreat in Los Angeles. They presented to comrades from San Luis Obispo, Inland Empire, Orange County, San Diego and Los Angeles chapters on our mandate and how to get involved.
The Metro DC chapter had their annual local convention and voted to make their campaign to establish public power, We Power DC, one of five chapter-wide priority campaigns again in 2024. We Power DC organizers also published “The State of Public Power in 2023” in the Washington Socialist, recapping the BPRA win in New York, ballot initiative outcome in Maine, and the outlook for municipalization in the District moving forward. Read all about it here!
Finally, we are pleased to report that YDSA’s NCC passed a proposal to expand YDSA organizing to include Building for Power campaigns! Schools are hotbeds of labor and climate organizing and we are excited to collaborate with YDSA chapters.
Solidarity with Palestine
We hosted a phenomenal panel with the International Committee called Ceasefire Now for People and Planet. Panelists discussed this resurgence of a Left anti-war movement in the context of the climate crisis and explored how ecosocialist organizers can deepen internationalism and anti-militarism within domestic climate organizing. For security reasons we are not providing a recording or panel content, but we’ll have many more panels in 2024 and beyond.
The year is over but our work continues. Our committee is here to help chapters of all sizes come up with winnable campaigns under our Building for Power framework. Interested? Check YES on our signup form: