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Green New Deal Campaign Commission Leadership & Structure

The Green New Deal Campaign is a national-level campaign that spans all DSA chapters.

Members in good standing can join the Commission on a volunteer basis.

Learn more about DSA’s structure

The Steering Committee (SC) is made up of 15 volunteers from different chapters. Members are recommended by other members and approved by the National Political Committee (NPC). There are two co-chairs, and two additional NPC Liaisons.

Wren P.


Nicole has fair skin and dark hair. She is speaking into a bullhorn microphone and is wearing a yellow safety vest. There is foliage behind her.

Nicole M.

New York City

Matt H.


Jeff has fair skin and salt and pepper hair. he sports glasses and is clean shaven.

Jeff G.


Claire M.

Metro DC

Akshai S.


Lori has long dark hair. She is wearing a black cap and holding a sign that says "We have the right to unionize" in one hand and throwing the peace sign with the other.

Lori D.

Los Angeles

Gaya has dark olive skin and deep brown hair and eyes. She is wearing large glsases and dangly earrings.

Gaya S.

New York City

Batul H.

New York City

Joe F.


Poornima is living hear best life, wearing glasses, a red jacket and a blue cap whilst sitting among the treetops

Poornima T.

West Suburban Illinois

Katie has long curly reddish hair, fair skin, and light eyes.

Katie H.

New York City

Colleen J.

Denver/NPC Liaison

Cara has brown eyes and fair skin, her reddish brown hair is tied back and she is wearing a black cap that has "workers deserve more" embroidered in yellow

Cara T.

Louisville/NPC Liaison