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Join GND’s Steering Committee

We’re growing! Per the Consensus Resolution passed at 2023 Convention, our Steering Committee is expanding from 11 to 15 members. All DSA members in good standing may apply to join.

Deadline to apply: October 13, 2023, 11:59pm (PST)


What is the Steering Committee?
The GND Steering Committee is tasked with coordinating all national Green New Deal campaign work for the Democratic Socialists of America. In this capacity, the body is responsible for designing external campaign strategy, recruiting and cultivating organizers, establishing internal campaign infrastructures, and acting as national representatives of DSA in climate and labor coalitions, with the ultimate goal of winning an ecosocialist Green New Deal.

Our current framework is called Building for Power (aka B4P). Steering will support and encourage campaigns that aim to win policies and collective bargaining provisions which expand public services through green construction projects with strong labor standards, including project labor agreements (PLAs) with unions and targeted hiring provisions. The campaign will train and support DSA chapters to build their own base and form coalitions primarily with four elements of the working class: public sector unions, building trades, environmental justice groups, and public service users like transit riders’ unions or tenant unions.

View the application for more about what is expected of our members in terms of time commitments, experience, etc.

Who can apply?
Any DSA member in good standing can apply. To check your membership status, email [email protected]. Please apply on your own behalf.

Who reads the applications and selects candidates?
The current Steering Committee will review all applications and submit recommendations to the National Political Committee (NPC). The NPC ultimately appoints all members by majority vote.

Will current members still be on steering?
All current members must re-apply and be appointed by the NPC.

What is the timeline?
Applications are due October 13th, 2023. The NPC must make appointments by October 30th per our 2023 Resolution.

What if I am not appointed, can I still be involved?
Yes! We have an item on the application where you can indicate that you would like to stay involved. We will be sure to reach out.

I have other questions…
Email [email protected] and we will help you out!