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GND Campaign Commission End-of-Year Recap

The incoming Trump administration promises a daily onslaught on the state’s capacity to build the future we’re fighting for, which is why our strategy makes more sense than ever. DSA will be organizing to protect people and fight strategic battles, while not losing sight of the long-term horizon we’re building toward in our communities. We will continue to build power on the local level alongside unions to win public goods for the working class, such as social housing, robust transit, and union-built renewable energy. Read on for our end-of-year recap!

Building for Power campaigns 🌱

Our last huddle of the year focused on our two social housing campaigns: Metro DC’s Green New Deal for Housing and NYC’s House the Future. Comrades from these chapters presented on their campaigns that provide a plan for truly affordable social housing that also prioritizes a move away from fossil fuels by retrofitting existing buildings and ensuring that new buildings are electrified and near transit. Along with providing much-needed housing, these campaigns would also bring good union jobs to each city. The discussion that followed made it obvious that our chapters across the country are all experiencing a housing crisis in their cities and there is a huge need to make robust social housing a reality. View the presentations.

Stay tuned in 2025 when we will be meeting on a quarterly basis to hear updates from all our active B4P campaigns. We currently have 8 campaigns across transit, public power, social housing, and public spaces:

🚍 Louisville Get on the Bus
🚍 Chicago Fix the CTA
🚍 Los Angeles Power Mass Transit
⚡ Milwaukee Power to the People
⚡ Metro DC We Power DC
🏡 Metro DC Green New Deal for Housing
🏡 NYC House the Future
🌱 St. Louis Green New Deal for Public Schools

If you’re thinking about starting a Building for Power Campaign in your chapter, fill out the interest form to let us know!

Brewing in Texas 👀

A huge shoutout to Austin DSA for hosting a Public Power Town Hall that brought together over 70 attendees passionate about a just renewable energy transition. With participation from key labor and community leaders and elected officials, the discussion highlighted the intersection of climate action and workers’ rights. Dozens of rank-and-file union members attended, sparking conversations about the future of labor and renewable energy in Austin. These are exactly the kinds of coalitions we need to build to win a Green New Deal, and we’re excited to see this campaign take off.

We’re also excited to see the revitalization of Houston DSA’s Ecosocialist Working Group, formally approved by the chapter at this month’s general body meeting. Our comrades have been meeting to research their local terrain and discuss possible campaign demands, and creating excellent educational content along the way.

Stay tuned: all signs point to ecosocialists across Texas building their power in 2025.

What’s next for the Green New Deal 🌹

If you missed the panel at this year’s Socialism conference An Ecosocialism that Builds: What’s Next for the Green New Deal?

It is well worth your time to hear about rebuilding the labor movement with eyes on May Day 2028, with unions like UAW leading the charge. DSA’s post-election mass call Workers Deserve More: Organizing for 2025 is also worth your time. We know multiple crises are converging and the coming years will be difficult, but we will weather the inevitable storms by protecting each other and building power to win the future we deserve.

See you in the new year, comrades, we have a world to win!